Monday 27 April 2020

UK Visa & immigration New Guidelines

UKVI Response - COVID 19
Temporary concessions in response to Covid-19
UKVI has published its new guidelines for concessions in response to COVID- 19 and some of the important points are highlighted below.

Student who have already got the VISA but could not travel due to COVID-19

British Government (UK Visa & Immigration service) have just announced that all international students that have already received a Tier 4 student visa for the May 2020 entry point will now be able to travel to the UK and start course in September 2020 using  current visa. The decision taken by the British Government ensures that student will not incur any additional costs by having to reapply for a new Tier 4 visa or pay additional immigration health surcharge (HIS) fees before students starts the course. We are still waiting for a further update from the UKVI regarding the process that student must follow to guarantee that the visa will still be valid in September 2020 and the University’s International Office will issue a further communication on this important matter shortly.

CAS is already issued but not used

New international students who have not yet applied for a visa but want to start a course by distance learning do not require sponsorship under Tier 4. This is because they do not need to travel to the UK. Sponsors do not need to tell the Home Office when students have moved to distance learning. These arrangements will apply until 31 May, when they will be reviewed.

Where the course date has changed, if the CAS is not marked as ‘used’ or ‘expired’ and is showing as ‘assigned’, sponsors must update the new course start date (if known) in the sponsor notes field. The information on the CAS will then be considered as normal when the case is decided.

CAS is already issued and used

Where a CAS has become invalid because it has expired, or was marked as ‘used’ in an application and the student was unable to travel due to Covid-19, the Home Office will consider exceptionally accepting that CAS with a new visa application on a case by case basis. The CAS will be accepted if the caseworker is satisfied that the reason the student couldn’t previously use it in an application or travel to the UK was due to Covid-19

Student who need ATAS Clearance

It is not currently possible to directly apply to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for a new ATAS certificate due to current circumstances. Current rules on the requirement to obtain an ATAS certificate continue to apply. If a student urgently needs to commence their studies and requires an ATAS certificate, they must email the Coronavirus Immigration Help Centre. Email:

Feel free to contact us should you need any further assistance in this regard.


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